Helping In The Fight Against COVID-19


Helping In The Fight Against COVID-19

Protoplast jumped into the fight against Covid 19 on two fronts, and in one scenario helped make the near impossible possible.

In the early days, when there was huge uncertainty on how this pandemic was going to impact us all, Protoplast aggressively went into action by developing two face shields to keep our own employees and all front-line workers safe; while helping local restaurants, gyms, and stores maintain operations.

Then, once the US Government mandated that Automakers help fight Covid 19 by supplying medical products and equipment, General Motors answered and started a complete line of Ventilators to help save lives. GM knew they needed to rely on their suppliers and sub suppliers to achieve their target dates. Protoplast was selected to make 12 components and we were in production within 4 weeks -a project which typically takes anywhere from 14 to 18 weeks to complete.  Dedication and long hours worked by Protoplast’s entire team helped us reach our ultimate goal and support the cause.

If you are interested in purchasing shields, or would like to hear more about Protoplast’s fight against COVID -19 please contact us at